Tuesday, May 13, 2008

World Fair Trade Day was delicious!

Early birds to the events day at GIC on World Fair Trade Day 2008 on Saturday 10th May were treated to free samples of fair trade chocolate. Cups of imported and local fair trade coffee were available for the price of only w500.

By 2.30 p.m. GIC was full with more than 70 people seated or standing. A speaker explained what fair trade is and how it works in different countries, and where to buy fair trade products in Korea.

After the talk more coffee was sampled, and the winning tickets to the fair trade raffle were drawn. Two prize winners were found, with the second prize (worth nearly w50,000, including a fair trade soccer ball made in Pakistan, Beautiful Coffee from Nepal, and ‘Hummingbird’ fair trade organic coffee) going to Paul Park (Park Seong Jun).

The first prize worth more than w100,000 went to one Mr Shin. The first prize pack contained a jute shopping bag full of fair trade tea, coffee, chocolate, a puzzle, a picture frame, a ring box, a soft toy, and a music CD, all of which came from the reputable New Zealand fair trade store Trade Aid.

Following the raffle people stayed to drink more coffee, read or discuss the information on fair trade, and watch the documentary Black Gold. The DVD is available to borrow from the GIC library.

Fair trade tea and coffee is now available in GIC for sampling or enjoying.
Drinks cost a suggested donation price of about 500 won
to maintain the supply and promote fair trade around Gwangju.

1 comment:

Posmena Sales said...

Here is a link for FairTrade Chocolate online:
- chocolate4you